
Graduate studies at CSTM offer a unique opportunity to engage in rigorous theological studies for ministry in one of the world's most expansive health care settings. Students interested in chaplaincy can immerse themselves in interfaith theological formation through the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium, the largest existing theological consortium.


STM is an unparalleled place to begin exploring chaplaincy. 这里有几个原因.


作为全球医疗保健中心, the Boston area's 25 hospitals and 20 community health centers offer many supervised ministry options. 


As members of the prestigious Boston Theological Interrelgious Consortium (BTI), CSTM students may take courses at 10 other area schools. 


STM is a proud partner of Brandeis University's 牧师创新实验室, which supports students interested in careers in chaplaincy. 


在他们导师的允许下, students may use elective credit to take courses in other BC schools, 包括社会工作和护理.


STM提供两个硕士学位课程 that are well suited for chaplaincy preparation. 两者都提供严谨的神学电子游戏正规平台, 精神的形成, 受监督的事工, as well as the option to pursue 临床教牧教育, an interfaith professional education for ministry.


Typically completed in three years of full-time, 面对面的学习, this 82-credit program is our most comprehensive program for lay and ordained students interested in ministry or chaplaincy.

  • Study and reflect in a small, suportive cohort model
  • Participate in a robust Spiritual 形成 for Ministry program
  • Complete a 监督部门 placement that aligns with your interests and goals


M.A. 神学与事工概览

This 48-credit program can be completed full-time and in-person in two years, 或者兼职, hybrid model that combines online courses and in-person summer sessions.

  • Prepare for diverse vocations through a broad-based theological curriculum with additional courses in Pastoral Studies for Ministry
  • Design and complete your own 精神的形成 plan
  • Complete a Contextual Education placement




STM students have the option of fulfilling their supervised ministry requirement through 临床教牧教育(CPE), an interfaith professional education for ministry. CPE brings students and ministers of all faiths into intense involvement with persons in need, under the direction of supervisors with professional training beyond hospital chaplaincy. CPE的主要方面包括:


  • 马萨诸塞州总医院,波士顿
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston
  • 波士顿布莱根妇女医院
  • 波士顿医疗中心,波士顿
  • 希伯来老年生活,牛顿
  • 伯灵顿的勒希诊所
  • 梅休恩圣家医院
  • 麦克莱恩医院,贝尔蒙特
  • 斯普林菲尔德湾州立医疗中心
  • 马里兰湾景的约翰霍普金斯大学
  • 纽约上州医科大学
  • 雪松西奈,加利福尼亚
  • 克利夫兰诊所,俄亥俄州
